2009 Song-A-Day
Artists write, record, and share songs. All music is owned by each artist.
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2009 Song-A-Day

128 songs so far:

Feb 28

  1. [lyrics]gTrSYnTh by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]27 by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]reboot ,retry, fail? by Bruce Brophy
  4. [lyrics]Lincoln Ought to Be by Derek Greenberg
  5. [lyrics]All Done by Chris Greacen
  6. [lyrics]Swell silhouette by Ryan Choate

Feb 27

  1. [lyrics]Contest Winner by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Nothing Is Impossible by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]It Is Up To Me by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]A bit o Bond For Kai by Ryan Choate

Feb 26

  1. [lyrics]40six 2nds by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Sleepy by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]tension release by Bruce Brophy
  4. [lyrics]Dig Deep by Derek Greenberg
  5. [lyrics]From The Inside by Chris Greacen
  6. [lyrics]Flying Squirrels by Ryan Choate

Feb 25

  1. [lyrics]Onion Soup by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Put A Burrito In Your Mouth by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]Windy vines by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]I Intend To by Tom Bishel
  5. [lyrics]This Is It by Tom Bishel

Feb 24

  1. [lyrics]Standing (Evan) by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]crush by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]Bagel by Derek Greenberg
  4. [lyrics]I Never Wanted by Chris Greacen
  5. [lyrics]Hollow lay back grind by Ryan Choate

Feb 23

  1. [lyrics]shut up bird by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]wind news by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]Lillian by Derek Greenberg
  4. [lyrics]Worry About Yesterday by Chris Greacen
  5. [lyrics]BroYou812 by Tom Bishel

Feb 22

  1. [lyrics]DCA by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Would Not Mind Being Left High And Dry by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]I am just going to call this todays song is done by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]I Want U 2 by Tom Bishel

Feb 21

  1. [lyrics]How Are You Tonight by Chris Greacen
  2. [lyrics]swamp grime by Ryan Choate
  3. [lyrics]metal balloons by Ryan Choate

Feb 20

  1. [lyrics]Waiting by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Make The Most Of Your Tonight by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]friday-night-before-bed-base by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]Wo is us by Seth Freeman

Feb 19

  1. [lyrics]6teen by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Solid Ground by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]Special Sauce by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]hu uuuum by Ryan Choate
  5. [lyrics]Benefits by Seth Freeman

Feb 18

  1. [lyrics]idonutno by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Know What You're Forgetting by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]Rhythmic Practice by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]Glassy Water by Ryan Choate
  5. [lyrics]more than halfway done by Ryan Choate
  6. [lyrics]Either Way by Tom Bishel
  7. [lyrics]Led Anyone by Tom Bishel

Feb 17

  1. [lyrics]Welcome to Pleasanton by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Up In The Attic by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]moonyVtail by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]Riffage in A7 by Tom Bishel

Feb 16

  1. [lyrics]Watching All The Good Ones Go by Chris Greacen
  2. [lyrics]Snub by Ryan Choate

Feb 15

  1. [lyrics]base by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]things that go bump by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]All You Can Eat Buffet by Derek Greenberg
  4. [lyrics]This Too Shall Pass by Chris Greacen
  5. [lyrics]Sitting in the cold alone with wine so its like um all good by Ryan Choate
  6. [lyrics]That's Life by Tom Bishel

Feb 14

  1. [lyrics]29raG acoustic by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Monkeys and Clowns by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]Blaaaackhole by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]SpilinOver by Ryan Choate
  5. [lyrics]The Men (Derek + drumming) by Seth Freeman
  6. [lyrics]badaba (the real one) by Seth Freeman
  7. [lyrics]OrNot RachMonkEnuff by Seth Freeman

Feb 13

  1. [lyrics]acou by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Hawaii by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]Birds Go Down by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]insert cool song title um hear by Ryan Choate

Feb 12

  1. [lyrics]alone by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Taxonomy by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]Drive North by Chris Greacen

Feb 11

  1. [lyrics]spinning by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]notmuch by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]In The Livingroom by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]The Day We Made Up by Seth Freeman

Feb 10

  1. [lyrics]Even In Winter by Chris Greacen
  2. [lyrics]Darkest Hour by Seth Freeman
  3. [lyrics]One and Only Maybe by Seth Freeman

Feb 09

  1. [lyrics]ice cream by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Master Of The Mall by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]Spilin Over by Ryan Choate
  4. [lyrics]Surfacing by Seth Freeman

Feb 08

  1. [lyrics]I am the Man by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Wafflepalooza by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]Good parent by Peter Johnson
  4. [lyrics]Twilight by Ryan Choate
  5. [lyrics]ColdFusion by Ryan Choate
  6. [lyrics]Peacefull Driving by Ryan Choate

Feb 07

  1. [lyrics]Second Life by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Put Down That Bag Of Rocks Vocal Mix by Chris Greacen

Feb 06

  1. [lyrics]Me and the Pope by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Put Down That Bag Of Rocks by Chris Greacen

Feb 05

  1. [lyrics]Jury Selection by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Bring It Back by Chris Greacen

Feb 04

  1. [lyrics]3RDWAVE by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]what.the... by Bruce Brophy
  3. [lyrics]Disneyland by Derek Greenberg
  4. [lyrics]Trouble Sleeping by Chris Greacen
  5. [lyrics]"Sick Jam" as in seriously not feeling well today jam by Ryan Choate
  6. [lyrics]Ready To Change The World by Tom Bishel

Feb 03

  1. [lyrics]2nd time by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Where Is Walt by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]Istanbul by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]twothreeohnine by Peter Johnson
  5. [lyrics]In To The Night by Ryan Choate
  6. [lyrics]Sleepy Slap by Ryan Choate
  7. [lyrics]bonsai by Ryan Choate
  8. [lyrics]Bigsby's Delight by Tom Bishel

Feb 02

  1. [lyrics]times_up by Bruce Brophy
  2. [lyrics]Jury Duty by Derek Greenberg
  3. [lyrics]2wo by Chris Greacen
  4. [lyrics]All of them by Peter Johnson
  5. [lyrics]Atmospherios by Tom Bishel

Feb 01

  1. [lyrics]A Song A Day by Derek Greenberg
  2. [lyrics]Oh Hell, Oh by Chris Greacen
  3. [lyrics]All that I can feel by Peter Johnson
  4. [lyrics]The Best Place In The World by Seth Freeman
  5. [lyrics]annalime by Tom Bishel

Jan 31

  1. [lyrics]The Day Before Song by Seth Freeman
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